But now let’s come back to my main question: Does the history had an important impact on today’s Anti-Mexican sentiment?
During my researches, I quickly realized that the Anti-Mexican sentiment is still an up to date topic in the US. Especially since the election of president Donald Trump the racism got worse. He expressed his fear of rising illegal Mexican immigration throughout his campaign in 2016, referring to illegal Mexicans as criminals, rapists, and drug smugglers/dealers. 
So all in all I would say: YES, the history had an important impact on today’s Anti-Mexican sentiment and obviously shaped the mindset of many Anglo-Americans!
But to draw a line to the picture of the first blog post which reminded me of the Jews in Germany during World War 2, I would claim that also the influence of the government had a certain impact on the Americans, just like in Germany. 
Especially Trumps vision about a wall between Mexico and the US clearly shows me the distinctiveness of the Anti-Mexican sentiment. 
As Mexicans make up the majority of Latinos in the United States, when the Non-Latino population is asked to comment on their perception of Latinos, they tend to think of Mexicans which is often based on stereotypes of Mexicans, created by the media which focuses on illegal immigration. One third of Non-Hispanic Americans falsely believe that most of the nation’s Hispanics are "illegal immigrants with large families and little education." 

I hope I could give you all a small insight on a relevant topic which everybody should know about. Because only if we are aware and informed about the background of a problem we can make a change!

279 words


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