Since the 1840s, Anti-Latino sentiment has led to illegal deportations, school segregation and even lynching.
The violence began during California´s Gold Rush, just after California became part of the US. In 1851 for example, a mob of vigilantes accused Josefa Segovia of murdering a white man. After a fake trial, they walked her through the streets and lynched her. Over 2,000 men gathered to watch and shouted racial insults. Other Latinos shared a similar fate. They were attacked on suspicion of socializing with white women or insulting white people. Even children became the victims of this violence.

Another side of Anti-Latino discrimination in the United States is school segregation. The South had explicit laws forbidding African-American children in white schools but in the southwestern United States, segregation was not written in the laws. Nevertheless, Latino people were excluded from restaurants, movie theaters and Latino students were expected to attend separate “Mexican schools”

If you take a look on the population of the US it seems quite diverse right? A lot of different cultures live together in one country. But if you have a closer look, this „culture clash“ doesn’t really work so well.

Today, an estimated 54 million Latinos live in the U.S. and around 43 million people speak Spanish. But though Latinos are the country’s largest minority, Anti-Latino prejudice is still common. In 2016, 52% said they had experienced discrimination. Lynchings and school segregation may be in the past, but Anti-Latino discrimination in the U.S. is far from over.

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